With different possibilities for development and cooperation, the signature sanCtum Méditerranée is the expansion of a truly clean, sustainable and solidary organic agriculture.
Thus, sanCtum Méditerranée multiplies and distributes seeds, plants and raw materials from PPAM (Perfume, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants), oilseeds and service plants, aimed to partners who are sensible of sustainable development and organic diversity: farmers, cosmetic laboratories, animal nutrition …
Did you know?
SanCtum méditerranée develops and distributes seeds, plants and raw materials.
Contact us to know more about our distribution methods.
Contact us
Some examples of seeds, seedlings and raw materials distributed by sanCtum méditerranée
This list is not exhaustive.
ACHILLÉE MILLEFEUILLE | Achillée millefolium |
ARMOISE ANNUELLE | Artemisia annua |
BOURRACHE | Borago officinalis |
CAMELINE OM | Camelina sativa |
CAMOMILLE ROMAINE | Chamaemelum nobile |
CALENDULA | Calendula officinalis |
CATAIRE CITRONNÉE | Nepeta catari citriodora |
CHANVRE CULTIVÉE | Cannabis sativa |
CHIA | Salvia hispanica |
CRAMBE ABYSSINIE | Crambe abyssinica |
CHRISTE MARINE | Chrithmum maritimum |
COLZA | Brassica Napus |
CISTE LADANIFER | Cistus Ladniferus |
GENEVRIER | Junniperus communis |
ESTRAGON FRANÇAIS | Artemisia dranunculus |
HÉLICHRYSE ITALIENNE | Hélichrysum italicum |
HYSOPE COUCHÉE | Hyssopus officinalis var.decumbens |
HYSOPE OFFICINAL | Hyssopus officinalis |
LAVANDE VRAIE | Lavandula Angustifolia P.Miller |
LAVANDE STOECHAS | Lavandula stoechas |
MARJOLAINE À THUJANOL | Origanum marjorana thujanoliferum |
ONAGRE | Oenothera biennis |
ORIGAN VERT | Origanum vulgare L.var.Hirtcum |
MÉLILOT JAUNE | Mélilotus officinalis |
MELISSE | Melissa officinalis |
MENTHE POIVREE | Mentha x Piperita |
NIGELLE | Nigella sativa |
PERILLA | Perilla frutescens |
ROMARIN OFFICINAL | Rosmarinus officinalis |
ROMARIN VERBÉNONE | Rosmarinus officinalis ct verbénone |
SARRIETTE DES MONTAGNES | Satureja montana |
SAUGE SCLARÉE | Salvia sclarea L. |
TAGETES MINUTA | Tagetse minuta |
TANAISIE ANNUELLE | Tanacetum annum |
THYM THUJANOL | Thymus vulgaris thuyanoliferum |
THYM THYMOL | Thymus vulgaris thymoliferum |
VERVEINE ODORANTE | Lippia citriodora |
VIPERINE COMMUNE | Echium vulgare |
VIPERINE FAUX PLANTAIN | Echium plantaginum |
Did you know?
SanCtum méditerranée develops and distributes seeds, plants and raw materials.
Contact us to know more about our distribution methods.
Contact us
Do you know the cameline om?
Cameline om is above all a messicole oilseed plant of the brassicaceae family (family of mustard and rapeseed).
This untreated variety is derived from a wild growing camelina multiplied since the last 8 years. The oil from the seeds makes it a must in dietetics and cosmetics thanks to its perfect balance in omega 3, 6 and 9 and its antioxidant properties.
In agronomic terms, this crop represents a specifically interest for a clean and organic agriculture thanks to its qualities as a green manure crop and cultivation possibilities: short mobilization of the soil, rotation, association etc …
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our products?
We invite you to discover a selection of our products available for sale online.
Who are we ?
Seed involved in the expansion of a truly clean, sustainable and solidarity-based organic agriculture, sanCtum méditerranée offers a wide choice of PPAM, service plants, messicoles and oilseeds.
Our products
Equity, clarity and authenticity are the specificities borne by our actions:
Experimentation, strategic development of new pathways for the future, sharing and transmission of knowledge.
Knowledge & Transmission
Economic development, with respect for and protection of nature and the human being, is at the heart of the action of sanctum mediterranée, with a unique signature, legitimacy and total visibility.